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Volunteer Melbourne - Everything You Need To Know

A . Melbourne Greeter Service
You can get a free visit to Melbourne from a local trained volunteers - what could be better than that? The tour lasts up to 4 hours - if you can! Instead, he had held for the last step, but it was worth it .volunteer melbourne

Call (03) 9658 9658 or ask at the Visitor Centre Melbourne Federation Square - advance booking is required.volunteer melbourne

It is available in nine languages ​​- English, Swedish, German , French , Dutch, Italian , Spanish, Japanese and Mandarin.volunteer melbourne 24 hours notice is required. The meeting point is the reception center of Melbourne at Federation Square.

Two . The Shrine of Remembrance
It is a war memorial , which was built to commemorate the lives lost in the Great War of 1914-1918 , but there is plenty to see and do here .

It was built in 1934 , inspired by one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - the tomb of King Mausoleums at Helicons ,volunteer melbourne then a Greek city , now in Turkey.

There are two galleries regular temporary exhibitions in the reception center , the crypt that contains the elements of the regiment and the sanctuary containing the Stone of Remembrance .

Make sure that the beam of light ceremony ,volunteer melbourne which takes place every half hour is lost - that of a beam of light shining on the Stone of Remembrance that occurs naturally in 11 hours every 11 resuscitations November.

Then climb the stairs up the sanctuary for a great view of the city.

Three . The Royal Botanic Gardens
These grounds are just beautiful , I love to wander .volunteer melbourne And is located just steps from the city center along the Array River.

It is an excellent free guided tour every day and if you have young children who can not miss the fabulous kindergarten. Attention, they will want to stay there all day!

April. Parliament House
Inside this building is fantastic,volunteer melbourne dripping with gold, because it was built when the gold rush on .

They are free tours here 45 minutes most days of the week. Have the opportunity to visit both the lower and upper house cameras , as well as the library and the Queens Hall.volunteer melbourne

May Penguins at St Hilda Pier
Sash ,volunteer melbourne do not tell everyone ( like many people in Melbourne do not even know about it) , but you go to the end of the pier, just before dusk and see these adorable little creatures home for day fishing night of hard work. They are the same type as small Penguin people pay good money to see Phillip Island, a few hours drive south of Melbourne.volunteer melbourne

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